Head of Publication and Journal Strengthening Division 
Dr. drh. Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih MKes.
Referring to the 2015-2040 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta roadmap, five distinct phases of strategic development are delineated. The first five years of 2015-2020 mark the Reputable International University phase; The second five years of 2020-2025 enter the Research Excellence University phase at the ASEAN level (Leading ASEAN University); The third five years of 2025-2030 represent the Toward Leading Entrepreneurial University phase; The fourth five years of 2030-2035 are the Academic-Preneurial University phase; For the fifth five years of 2035-2040, UMY will transition into the Socio Preneurial University (Top 300 World Class University) phase.
The role of the Publication and Journal Strengthening Division is to improve academic quality in terms of the quality of publications and journals
  1. Developing, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating strategies for achieving publication and journal standards
  2. Managing strategies to increase the quantity and quality of publications and journals
  3. Managing publication and journal indexation strategies

The Publication and Journal Strengthening Division organizes programs and activities to encourage the development of scientific article publications and journal management within Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. 

Web Of Science

Habi Nurka Mulia, S.IP

Taaj Nabil, S.IP

Nudia Imarotul Husna., S.Hum., M.TESOL.

Prabarini Dwi Pangestu, S.Pd.M.Hum.

Putrika Citta Pramesi, S.T.P., M.Sc.

Supriyani, S.Pd., M. Hum.

Badi’atul Azmina, S. Pd. I., M. Pd.

Satria Miftachudien, M.Pd.

Latifah Hanum Kusumastuti, S. Ak.

Wafiyulloh Mubarrok, S.E.

Atika Mutiarasari, S,E.

Wahyu Budi Nugroho, M.Pd.

Qholiva Yuni Fadilla, S.Kom. M.A

Wahid Fathoni, S.Kom., M.S.I

Wiwi Susanti, S.P.

Suryahadi Yulia Rachman, S.S.

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