UMY-UNISA Collaborative DRTPM Research Team Presents Research Results & Hands Over Research Output Book to Sleman Regent

1 December 2023, oleh: Admin LRI

The research team from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (UNISA) handed over a research output book entitled “Komunikasi Bencana Menuju Pariwisata Berkelanjutan” (Eng: Disaster Communication Towards Sustainable Tourism) to the Regent of Sleman, Kustini Sri Purnomo, at the Sleman Regent’s Office (30/11).

Image of Dissemination of UMY-UNISA DRTPM Research Results

The session was attended by the Regent of Sleman along with the disaster OPD, namely the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sleman Regency and the Head of the Tourism Office.

The book entitled “Komunikasi Bencana Menuju Pariwisata Berkelanjutan” is the result of collaborative research between two universities funded by the 2023 DRTPM Ministry of Education and Culture Grant. The research team consists of Dr. Adhianty Nurjanah, S.Sos, M.Si, the UMY communication science lecturer as chairman; Ir. Jazaul Ikhsan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM, UMY Civil Engineering lecturer; and Erwin Rasyid, M.Sc, Unisa communication science lecturer as members of the research team.

In her speech, the Regent of Sleman appreciated the positive results of the research. She hopes that the book can be a reference for local governments in increasing the effectiveness of disaster communication for disaster preparedness and supporting the development of sustainable tourism, especially around Mount Merapi, which currently has 60 tourist destinations in Disaster Prone Areas.

“This book is very important, especially in Sleman Regency, which is a disaster-prone area. The results of this research can be a basis for us in developing an effective disaster communication strategy. Thus, people living in disaster-prone areas remain comfortable and safe when traveling in Sleman Regency”, said the Regent of Sleman

Meanwhile, the head of the research team, Dr. Adhianty Nurjanah, stated that the book discusses the importance of disaster communication in supporting sustainable tourism. The importance of Communication, Information Collaboration, and Cooperation (KIKK) between OPDs for urgent disasters aims to support the realization of sustainable tourism. Adhianty also added that we also carried out this research in the Regency of Karangasem Bali, a disaster-prone area around Mount Agung Bali. Both Sleman Yogyakarta and Karangasem Bali are tourist attraction areas (ODTW) in Indonesia.

“Effective disaster communication can increase public awareness of disaster risks so that they can be better prepared to face disasters. “Apart from that, disaster communication can also increase public trust in the government,” added Adhianty

The Head of the Sleman Regency BPBD and the Head of the Tourism Service also expressed their appreciation for the research team’s contribution. They expressed their readiness to implement the findings from this research to increase disaster mitigation and develop the tourism sector, especially in Sleman Regency.